石家莊康福外國語學(xué)校 手機(jī)版


        2013-12-30     7236
    •  斯坦福大學(xué)商學(xué)院招生辦公室負(fù)責(zé)人Bolt先生在接受《華爾街日報(bào)》的采訪時(shí)介紹了斯坦福是如何篩選申請人,以及申請者要如何才能夠脫穎而出。

      WSJ: Do you check out the GMAT score and if it's below a certain number, put that application aside?

      Mr. Bolton: That would rob us of a lot of talent. The GMAT is helpful in terms of understanding how someone can perform in the first year, but that's one small piece of the overall M.B.A.

      We look at candidates holistically: academic, professional, personal. That depends on the candidate being authentic with us, which I recognize is hard because it takes a degree of self-confidence to be able to tell your story to total strangers.



      WSJ: There's a big push across business schools for more diversity. Who are you looking for?

      Mr. Bolton: I'll tell you. Industry mix does not come up at all. Gender does not come up at all. These check-the-box things do not come up at all. I'm not saying this to exaggerate. Our class really falls out the way it does because I'm making 397 individual decisions. I hate trying to convey the diversity of this class through a few statistics.

      I need a student who was a psychology major and a student who was a Russian major and a student who was an engineer and a student who was an accounting major, to force them to think in different ways together.

      I want a first-year student who was born in Tokyo and raised in Singapore and worked in London in a study group with the student who was born in Dallas, went to college in Dallas and worked in Dallas. Those two people need to meet each other.

      If I'm doing my job well, in terms of bringing in people who think about the world in different ways, it necessarily will reflect itself in the check-the-box metrics.






      WSJ: A prospective applicant asked via Twitter, 'How can I stand out?'

      Mr. Bolton: This will sound counter-intuitive, but the best advice is: Don't try to stand out. We'll see 50 people writing about a time in Machu Picchu, situations that seem very dramatic. There was a while when almost every military essay that we saw started out with a vivid recollection of a battle.

      I think standing out is a byproduct of telling your story in a really natural and compelling way. It takes some reflection. It takes some confidence to tell that story and not get caught up in 'How do I stand out from everybody else?'



